Puluhan tahun yang lalu... seringkali mak datang ke sekolahku di Sek. Keb. Parit Sulong untuk menyaksikan aku naik pentas untuk menerima hadiah atau membuat persembahan pentas (menari le tu!)...
Dan hari ini (17/11/2009), tanpa aku sedari rupa2nya aku kini berada di barisan ibu bapa yang menyaksikan anakku pula naik ke atas pentas.. betapalah masa itu sudah berlalu... (dan menunjukkan sudah tua rupanya kami nie..)
Syukur Alhamdulillah aku dikurniakan putera dan puteri yang boleh dibanggakan.. Doa kami, ayah dan ibumu tidak pernah putus putus mendoakan kejayaanmu anak-anakku!.. Moga kalian membesar dengan sempurna dengan ilmu di dada buat bekalan di hari akhirat kelak..
Kakak berjaya memperoleh Anugerah Terbaik Bahasa Inggeris untuk Tahun 3.. "Well done kakak! You've prooved it!"
Adik pula only got trophy for his Bijak Sifir Tahap 1... Actually in his class, he'd done well in his Science and English!... He got 100% for his Science and 98% for his English!... we are so proud of you son!.. But, the assessment is for the whole Tahun, so maybe dia kalah dgn pelajar kelas lain. But its OK Mat!... something speacial is waiting for you soon!... walaupun ayahnya kata, he never got anything for his excellence on his childhood (walaupun semua hadiah/kategori ayah sapu bersih!) but I hardly believe that we should appreciate our kid's effort by giving something...
Actually, I had promised to them that they can put anything in their wish list but only for the first, second and third place in class... This is as an encouragement for them to perform well (actually it was my aim honestly to see them got the 3rd best place in class!) and they'd started to put many things in their note book but maybe its not the time yet.. InsyaAllah, next year we'll try to guide them seriously... they still need full concentration from parents obviously...
Ahmad got the 6th place in the class, and kakak pulak tak tau ler no brapa coz lom dapat penyata lagi.. but I think still in the best 5... kira ok ok je la derang ni.. nak kata pandai sangat pun tidak, nak kata kategori yang tak pandai pun tidak.. mudah2an semakin hari semakin meningkat pencapaian mereka!.. Insya Allah..
congrats to both kakak and adik :) kak laily, jap je kan masa berlalu.skrg ni bila lalu depan sek rendah dulu, mesti teringat zaman2 menangis sb nk suruh mak duk tepi pagar tggu ms mula2 msuk school..huhu..
ReplyDeleteSalam Laily,
ReplyDeleteTahniah Kakak dan Mat... Caya lah!!!!!
tq auntie sya and auntie nas.. doakan kakak and amat semakin cemerlang yea...